HiveBio’s Sheep Brain Dissection Class!

I’ve been super busy and haven’t had time to post much lately, but I still want this to be interesting and somewhat science/ entrepreneur-like! So I decided to replog some of the posts that HiveBio’s amazing social media director (Anna Batorsky) wrote. This one can be found on here


This afternoon eight members of the community participated in HiveBio’s first run of the Sheep Brain Dissection class. Co-Founder Bergen McMurray led the class through a description of the different regions of the brain and explained how the different cell types connect and function within this amazingly complex system.

Eight members of the community are ready to get their hands dirty to learn about neurobiology


Bergen McMurray (cofounder) highlights brain regions





Bergen explains which areas of the brain are responsible for locomotion, sensory perception, speech, learning, emotions, and why the connection between right and left brain is so important. She also discusses how neurobiology is studied and how neurological diseases were discovered and treated.

Peeling away the outer membrane

The class was routinely encouraged to comment and ask questions. Several discussions focused on oxytocin, the “happiness” chemical in the brain, and the evolution of sexually dimorphic nuclei in the hypothalamus, and how research on this interesting but controversial topic may progress.

HiveBio would like to thank all of our students today for participating in the sheep brain dissection class and contributing to our discussion. See you next time in the lab!

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